Ong Cong Ong Tao

Nam nay toi an Tet tu 23 am lich...
Sang thu 7, moi hom qua thoi, quay 3 vong moi do duoc xe, roi lai bat taxi toi nha hang?!. Dao nay cong an lam gat lam, khong chu quan duoc. Moi nguoi da bat dau tu lau, tim cho minh mot cho sau cai cot to. Tung nguoi, tung nguoi present phan cua minh. Mo may, online, nhu co cai gi do thoi thuc, check, an email, bcc, hic, unexpectedly, so close, so familiar. Paid almost no attention to the presentation, but replied several important emails that forgot to do earlier, luckily, still had enough time. Smiled. Sth like a pride arising inside.
I am pressing these lines when being on the way back to HL from TY. It was quite long since I passed TY the last time. Just had a hurry and heavy dinner after a quick tour around the town and market. Doan nay xoc qua, hoi hoa mat, duong rat xau, qua nhieu khuc quanh va doc. Chang di phai xuong xe doi lai o CO vi trinh con non, ma toan containers nguoc chieu.
Vui. Rat nhe nhang. Hanh phuc chi don gian boi hai chu tien va tinh, nhi. Vi sao luc nay lai co the type nhieu nhu the, den gan hai thang khong viet gi roi day. Hom qua bat ngo vi nhan them mot giai phu, giai ca nhan co nhieu y kien dong gop nhat! A very nice party later it was. I left early. Picked NH up on the way home. Packed up very quickly... Duong xoc qua. Xe hom qua dinh dinh, vua duoc va va rua sang nay, gio lai bam day bun dat. Xoc kinh. Tiep chuyen hom qua... Left home for Nghi Tam, then Tan Dan at 3. Arrived in HL at 8. Had a very sound sleep last nite, really, could not get out of bed until 9:30... Xoc qua. Ngoi bang sau nen cung met, nam de chiu hon chang?

Toi qua passed Tiamo, this morning too. It would be nicer if I had time sitting there having a drink, looking at people passing outside. Just thinking of that makes me moved, yes, 3 tuan, vua moi day thoi... Bot xoc nhung cua nhieu, chong ca mat, hi vong thang sau duong moi duoc lam xong. Vua qua cho chiec container mat lai lao xuong ve duong, gio da duoc keo len. So. Duong vang xe hon luc di, thinh thoang moi co den pha nguoc chieu. Khat, de quay lai lam ngum lavie da, press tiep sau...


Anonymous said...

Hi chi, cai dam chi mac dep lam, rat la.

Nha Sep T dep chi nhi?.

Chi post them may tam hinh chup hom tet di hiii.....

Chuc chi nam moi van su nhu y nha.

XP said...

Yes, thanks em. Same to em nhe @-@