Nhảm tập n...

Some minutes recalling: Sitting on the 23/F of Sheraton, luking at the city @ nite, having CoCoRumbo, tkou, tm. Opst is Sun Wah bldg, which can be si:n, again, when brkfst on 7/F of Palace Htl or drinking @ Ciao in NH str. E'vtg makes me feel so tired, tu tired. Đến giờ vẫn tired, không thể tưởng tượng được. Thầm cảm ơn em 1000 hết pin đúng lúc, đúng là đồ lởm nhìu khi còn helpful hơn đồ xịn. Nếu... thì k bít sẽ ra seo.

23/F of Sheraton again, one frd said he had Sex on the beach in SIN, hehe, dunt know how interesting it is ..., hihi. I did try to have sex on the beach too, kaka, but, it is, actually, just a kind of green colored cocktail which found in the menu @ Equatorial on a Wed.

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